Time: 7:59 am
Location: Watershed Heights rooftop garden
Temperature: 18° Celsius and falling
Humidity: 100%
On second thought, it's not a very good garden. Most of it is dead.
Time: 8:00 am
Location: Same
Temperature: 16° Celsius and falling
Humidity: 100%
And no wonder. I could sculpt dishes from this clay.
Time:8:15 am
Location: Watershed Heights basement, as near the furnace as humanly possible.
Temperature: 13° Celsius. This furnace is clearly not doing what it's supposed to be doing.
Humidity: 97%
That garden is not salvageable. The soil needs at least a year of solid amendment before it is even usable...it's looking like I'm going to have to put in clover to get some kind of nitrogen back, and I'll need to work in about a foot of compost before that will even consent to grow.
Curse that double-crossing airport botany bastard. There's no way I can rework my formulae in time to rescue that poor plot on the roof - I'm stuck using the pre-packaged crap from the incompetents at the hardware store. How the hell am I supposed to tailor it to the soil if I don't know what went into it, I ask you? And everyone knows the composition information on the packaging is spotty. I simply don't know how people in this town manage.
Time: 8:45 am
Location: Watershed Heights basement, contemplating climbing into the furnace
Temperature and Humidity: Same
God, is that store ever open? I walk all the way over there, in the snow, mind you, and they don't have the decency to have re-worked their hours, even after the letter I sent. You know what else? I didn't even get the courtesy of a reply. Their manager will be hearing of this, if my fingers ever thaw out enough to hold a pen.
> 100 cubic feet of coarse compost, or aged manure.
> 20 pounds of builder's sand
> Blood meal
> Worm castings
> Clover seed
Time: 8:48 am
Location: Watershed Heights Lobby
Temperature: 23° Celsius
Humidity: 43%
Hmmm, so the heat works up here, does it? Here I am, feeding the furnace for this whole building, and it doesn't have the decency to even heat my little corner of the basement. Ungrateful piece of machinery - I'll pull it apart for scrap, if it doesn't kill me first.
Time: 8:51 am
Location: Same
Temperature and Humidity: Same
Left a note on the concierge's desk regarding the state of the furnace. I'm beginning to wonder if she even lives here; the Post-it on the grille proclaiming that she'll be back "sometime" is a permanent fixture. I don't think people even see it anymore - they interact with the desk as if it was still manned.
I saw a bearded man talking to the empty space behind the desk three days ago...though it could have been that he was just insane. I can never tell.
Time: 8:55 am
Location: Top of the Watershed Heights Basement Stairs
Temperature: 2° Celsius
Humidity 100%
There's a woman rather rudely blocking my stairs. She's bright yellow and a bit jumpy - she snatched at the bouquet of eye-shaped necklaces hanging from her parka with a rubber glove as soon as she saw me. And I've frankly never seen a surgical mask used as a way of staying warm, but who am I to judge? I still think OshKosh overalls are a pretty neat idea.
Time: 9:00 am
Location: Back by the furnace. Not that it's helping much.
Temperature: 14° Celsius
Humidity: 96%
Maybe I should sleep for a bit. I'll be warmer.
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